Freelance Agency

Freelancing & Project Management Training Program

Learn the Art of Freelancing, Job Hunting and Project Management & Make Handsome Income

Freelance Agency offers the best ever  freelancing trainings to enhance your skill set to make to able to earn money as a freelancer, Virtual Assistant and Agency owner.

Internet Marketing

Start your Digital Career Today!

Job Hunting

What Your will learn in Job Hunting?

Job Hunting

  • CV / Resume Formation
  • Cover Letter Writing
  • Portfolio Formations

What Your will learn in Freelancing?


  • Account Creations
  • Online Shop/Gigs Formations
  • Effective Proposal Writing
  • Profile Rankings
Job Hunting

What Your will learn in Project Management?

Project Management

  • Project Development

  • Marketing Kit Preparation

  • Lead Generation (Branding and Ad Postings)

  • Query handling As a Front Desk Officer

  • Sale Generation

  • Payment Gateway Finalizations

  • Feedback & Up-selling

Explore Complete 3 Months Curriculum Guide!

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